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C) STANDARD USER LICENSE / MULTI-USER LICENSE 1. Upon full payment of the agreed-upon usage fee, Lineto grants the licensee the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to simultaneously use or store the font software 脨 provided said software has been released at time of delivery or upon payment made by the licensee 脨 on a maximum of 5 (five) computers at one single geographical locations stipulated by the licensee. 2. In the event that extensions to the above-mentioned restriction become necessary, the licensee must purchase additional licenses. 3. The licensee may install the font software on a single file server for use on a single Local Area Network (LAN) *ONLY* when the use of such font software is limited to the workstations and printers that are part of the licensed unit of which the server is part. For the purpose of determining the proper number of workstations for which a License is needed, the following example is supplied for illustration purposes only: 脪If there are 100 workstations connected to the server, with no more than 10 workstations either using this font software (脪the fonts脫) currently, but the fonts will be used on 25 different workstations at various points in time, a Site License must be obtained creating a licensed unit for 25 workstations.脫 4. The font software may NOT be installed or used on a server that can be accessed via the Internet or other external network system (a system other than LAN) by workstations which are not part of a licensed unit. 5. If the font software is intended to be used for commercial purposes, each individual license permits one additional usage (installation) on a personal home or portable computer. 6. For the exclusive purpose of data backup, additional copies of the font software can be made *FOR BACK-UP PURPOSES ONLY*. D) EMBEDDING OF FONTS 1. You may embed the font(s) for *READ-ONLY* purposes. 2. You may embed the font(s) *WITH SUBSETS* for use with service bureaus and pre-press facilities, as long as the services rendered by such facilities are limited to processing the data provided by a user holding adequate license, e.g. for output to film or plate. Any further editing or manipulating of the document by such service provider without acquiring appropriate license is prohibited. 脨 Please note: We recommend Adobe Acrobat陋 for creating such documents. The preferred data format is the PDF format (脪portable document format脫). 3. Any embedding of fonts for digital publication purposes (e.g. on the internet, on CD or DVD releases, in e-books, etc.) requires an additional license agreement. This agreement varies depending on the technology you wish to use, and the scale of your publishing project. 脨 For more detailed information regarding embedding of fonts please contact us directly through www.lineto.com. E) WARRANTY AND LIABILITY 1. Limited Warranty: For a period of ninety (90) days after delivery, Lineto warrants that the font software will perform in accordance with the specifications published by Lineto. Your exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Lineto in connection with the font software is repair or replacement of its defective parts within the 90-days period after delivery. 脨 The warranty does not apply to any font software converted, manipulated or modified by the user. 2. Disclaimer of Warranties: EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH IN CLAUSE E 1), LINETO MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED. LINETO DOES NOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE AND RESULT YOU MAY OBTAIN BY USING THE FONT SOFTWARE AND ACCEPT NO LIABILITY THERETO. 3. Limitation of Liability: IN NO EVENT WILL LINETO BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST DATA OR LOST SAVINGS. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of Switzerland. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND AGREED TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMhttp://www.lineto.com/Lineto.com/Font+LicensingBrownStd 2011, Copyright by Lineto. All rights reserved.BrownStdRegularLineto: BrownStd-Regular: 2011BrownStd-RegularVersion 1.001; build 0014BrownStd-RegularAurele Sack. www.lineto.comAurele SackCopyright (c) 2011 by Aurele Sack. www.lineto.com. All rights reserved.http://www.lineto.comhttp://www.lineto.com/The+DesignersOnce you have downloaded onto your computer any of the fonts from our website lineto.com after payment by credit card or bank transfer, you accept that those goods are non-returnable and non-refundable. If the goods are defective in any way, you agree to inform Lineto within thirty (30) days and you will be provided with replacements within 24 hours. Your statutory rights as a consumer are not affected. LINETO TYPE FOUNDRY END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT This is a contract between you and Lineto. A) OWNERSHIP OF PRODUCT AND COPYRIGHT 1. The digital files downloaded to your computer contain font software that is the intellectual property of the font's respective designer, represented herein by Lineto. It is owned by Lineto. You have purchased a non-exclusive license which grants you certain rights to use the font software. It is not an agreement for sale of the font software or any portion of it. 2. You agree that the font software is owned by the font's designer and Lineto, and its structure, organisation and code are the valuable trade secrets of Lineto. You acknowledge that the software is protected by the Copyright Laws of Switzerland, the United States Copyright Law, by the copyright and design laws of other nations, and by international treaties. You agree to treat the font software as you would any other copyrighted material, such as a book, a musical recording, a motion picture, or a work of art. 3. Except for your right to use the font software granted by this license, all other rights, title of the font software, related trademarks and trade names are owned and retained by Lineto. B) LAWFUL USE OF PRODUCT 1. You may install and use the font software on up to 5 (five) computers at a single location. These computers can be connected to, and the font software used with, any number of output devices, such as a laser printer, ink jet printer, an imagesetter or a film recorder, but the font software may be downloaded to the memory (hard disk or RAM) of only one (1) output device for the purpose of having such font software remain resident in the output device. 2. You may take a copy of the font(s) you have used for a particular file to a commercial printer, a service bureau or other pre-press facility, *ONLY* if such service facility already has a valid license from Lineto to use that particular font software. 3. You are not authorized to sublicense, sell, lend or lease the font software, but you may permanently transfer your rights under this License Agreement to a third party; provided that a) you transfer your copy of this Agreement, the font software, and all original documentation (including proof of purchase) to the third party, b) the receiving party accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement, c) you refrain from using the software consequently and destroy all of your copies of the font software, d) you notify Lineto by email that such rights have been successfully transferred to a third party, stating the full name and the complete contact details of such third party. 4. You may convert and install the font software into another format for use in other environments, subject to the following conditions: a) A computer on which the converted font software is used or installed shall be considered as one of your permitted number of computers. b) use of the font software you have converted shall be pursuant to all the terms and conditions of this license agreement. c) Such converted font software may be used for your own customary internal business or personal use exclusively and may not be sold, distributed or transferred for any purpose. d) You may not modify or remove the name(s) of the font software, authors signature, copyright and trademark notices from the original files, or change the embedding settings of the font(s). --> also see D) of this Agreement e) Any such conversion is subject to prior notification to and authorisation by LINETO, and any such correspondence is to be conducted *IN WRITING*, giving exact specifications of such such intended conversion. C) STANDARD USER LICENSE / MULTI-USER LICENSE 1. Upon full payment of the agreed-upon usage fee, Lineto grants the licensee the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to simultaneously use or store the font software provided said software has been released at time of delivery or upon payment made by the licensee on a maximum of 5 (five) computers at one single geographical location stipulated by the licensee. 2. In the event that extensions to the above-mentioned restriction become necessary, the licensee must purchase additional licenses. 3. The licensee may install the font software on a single file server for use on a single Local Area Network (LAN) *ONLY* when the use of such font software is limited to the workstations and printers that are part of the licensed unit of which the server is part. For the purpose of determining the proper number of workstations for which a License is needed, the following example is supplied for illustration purposes only: If there are 100 workstations connected to the server, with no more than 10 workstations either using this font software (the fonts) currently, but the fonts will be used on 25 different workstations at various points in time, a Site License must be obtained creating a licensed unit for 25 workstations. 4. The font software may NOT be installed or used on a server that can be accessed via the Internet or other external network system (a system other than LAN) by workstations which are not part of a licensed unit. 5. If the font software is intended to be used for commercial purposes, each individual license permits one additional usage (installation) on a personal home or portable computer. 6. For the exclusive purpose of data backup, additional copies of the font software can be made *FOR BACK-UP PURPOSES ONLY*. D) EMBEDDING OF FONTS 1. You may embed the font(s) for *READ-ONLY* purposes. 2. You may embed the font(s) *WITH SUBSETS* for use with service bureaus and pre-press facilities, as long as the services rendered by such facilities are limited to processing the data provided by a user holding adequate license, e.g. for output to film or plate. Any further editing or manipulating of the document by such service provider without acquiring appropriate license is prohibited. Please note: We recommend Adobe Acrobat for creating such documents. The preferred data format is the PDF format (portable document format). 3. Any embedding of fonts for digital publication purposes (e.g. on the internet, on CD or DVD releases, in e-books, etc.) requires an additional license agreement. This agreement varies depending on the technology you wish to use, and the scale of your publishing project. For more detailed information regarding embedding of fonts please contact us directly through www.lineto.com. E) WARRANTY AND LIABILITY 1. Limited Warranty: For a period of ninety (90) days after delivery, Lineto warrants that the font software will perform in accordance with the specifications published by Lineto. Your exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Lineto in connection with the font software is repair or replacement of its defective parts within the 90-days period after delivery. The warranty does not apply to any font software converted, manipulated or modified by the user. 2. Disclaimer of Warranties: EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH IN CLAUSE E 1), LINETO MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED. LINETO DOES NOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE AND RESULT YOU MAY OBTAIN BY USING THE FONT SOFTWARE AND ACCEPT NO LIABILITY THERETO. 3. Limitation of Liability: IN NO EVENT WILL LINETO BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST DATA OR LOST SAVINGS. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of Switzerland. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND AGREED TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMhttp://www.lineto.com/Lineto.com/Font+LicensingBrownStd??$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]